How Music Helps You Sleep Better

Sleep is a fundamental part of our life. Our quality of life, mental health, and physical health may very well depend on sleep quality. Better sleep often links with better concentration levels in students. You will have higher productivity, your weight gain will be lower, and you will better regulate calories if your sleep quality …
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Types of pillows for different sleep positions

The two main functions of pillows are comfort and support. The pillow is designed to keep the spine in natural alignment, and remain comfortable throughout the night with your personal preference of firmness or surface texture. Choosing the right pillow for you could help you get a good night sleep. Here are a few things …
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Pillows And The Different Materials

You spend on average 1/3 of your time sleeping, so it’s essential to find the right bedding to fit your sleep style and needs. The pillow is a very important piece that provides an immense amount of support. Did you know different fills actually make a huge amount of difference? Check out these options, maybe …
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Why Do I Still Wake Up Tired?

Getting the right amount of nightly sleep can mean the world of difference in how awake and alert we feel during the day. You may even think you're getting enough sleep at night because you go to bed 7-9 hours before you wake every morning, but you may not be aware that your sleep is …
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5 Guidelines For A Successful Nap

Naps can be a wonderful thing. They can increase alertness, improves learning and working memory, improves your mood, prevents burn-outs, heightens creativity, and improves overall health - why wouldn't you take a nap during the day? Here are 5 ways that you can nap more effectively. First, let yourself know it’s alright to take a …
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Night Owl Teens. Does your Teen Struggle with Sleep?

It’s well known that some kind of switch seems to get thrown when our precious little ones become teens. Their sleeping patterns or lack there of become things of legend. The vampiric like late hours and the spaced out zombie behavior first thing in the morning is enough to drive any parent up the walls. …
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3 Common Recurring Dreams

Dreams are a product of our everyday life. Some are vivid and others foggy and some we forget all together. They could be triggered by a conflict, something significant happening in your life, or emotions. The meaning of dreams is not always clear, but could give a sneak peak into your subconscious about something that’s …
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My Child Snores, is this Normal?

About 10-12 percent of children snore regularly. Snoring is caused when the airflow through the mouth and nose is physically blocked in some way. The volume of the snoring is affected by how much air is passing through and how fast the throat tissue is vibrating. For an otherwise healthy child, loud and regular snoring …
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A Polysomnography (PSG) is a sleep study which involves an overnight recording of many important body functions and measurements. Polysomnography is used to diagnose many different types of sleep disorders including narcolepsy, REM behavior disorder, and sleep apnea. During sleep testing the following body functions are monitored; Brain electrical activity Eye and jaw muscle movement Leg muscle …
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Ancient Dream Interpretations

Dreams can reflect our fears, desires, and everything else in between. Some cultures regarded dreams as warnings and omens while some saw them as messages from the heavens and even one culture relied on dreams to cure disease and illnesses. To the ancient Romans, dreams were subjects to debate in the senate and considered messages …
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