Enneagram and Your Sleep Number: Thinking Triad
This is the final blog of our three part series on the Enneagram and how your number affects your sleep. There are a lot of online tools that can identify your number quickly; however, it is suggested to read The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile to learn how to identify your number. Like any self-assessment, online surveys and calculations vary so try listening to Suzanne’s podcast, Enneagram Journey, or read her book.
Today we are talking about our friends identified as a 5, 6, or 7. According to the Enneagram Institute, this identifies as:
- Type 5 is perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated;
- Type 6 is engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious; and
- Type 7 is spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered.
But let’s back up and visually look at each number. The Enneagram is more intricate than the simplicity of this, but it gives a good reference point.
In the Enneagram, each number is assigned a center of intelligence or a characteristic. For our 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s, this is the head or fear group in the thinking triad of the bunch. Whatever your number, this is how you interpret, see, and react to the world around you. A simple question to reflect on then is “What do you do with what you see in your world?”
So what does all this have to do with sleep? Let’s think about what it means to be part of the thinking triad. These are our thinkers who thrive on gathering information to make decisions. They value logic and analytics and need security and stability.
Type 5 struggles the most with sleep because they overthink and overanalyze the world around them. Unwinding and recharging is a process for type 5s. But it is important in conserving their energy towards their core strength: thinking.
- Limited energy in this group means a routine would be wise starting with alone time. Meditating or journaling could be a healthy habit to pick up.
- Freeing their schedule after work is also key for this group. Think of ways to say no to schedule time for yourself.
- Therapy may be the best medicine if push comes to shove and relaxation is still hard to find at night. Remember there is nothing wrong with therapy as this is just another avenue to collecting information about yourself.
Type 6 needs a break from all responsibility because they focus solely how each decision is affecting the future. They desire predictability and are loyal and committed. With this extra burst of commitment for safety and security, adjusting their sleep schedule should be a breeze. Once they can disconnect from the world which includes the news, social media, and electronic activity, they can recenter until the next day arrives. Stability is their anecdote to sleep.
Type 7 is the more complex of the three. We have the over-thinker in 5’s and the loyalist in 6’s, but 7’s are your enthusiasts. This group longs to be active so going to bed is already a hurdle.
- Try not to nap. 7’s push until they are exhausted which leads to small or long naps. This is a likely reason for insomnia at night.
- Fear of missing out plagues this group the most. If they are not napping, they are awake on their phones watching what is happening around them. Keep your phone away from your nightstand or in another room.
- Keep a bedtime. This sounds a little juvenile for adults, but 7’s enjoy being with people and doing things until places tell them to leave by closing. Set yourself up for success before going out so you prioritize sleep.
- Start a gratitude journal. By writing out everything you are thankful for each day, hopefully you notice how FULL your life is and you can slow down.
For those who rely on music or noise for sleep, Sleeping at Last has an Enneagram songbook called Atlas. Once you understand more about your number, concentrate on 5, 6, and 7 along with the mind tracks.
Alaska Sleep Clinic is always looking for ways to educate you for better sleep. Call us today @ 907-420-0540 to speak with one of our board-certified sleep specialists.
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