3 Common Recurring Dreams

3 Common Recurring Dreams

3 Common Recurring Dreams

Dreams are a product of our everyday life. Some are vivid and others foggy and some we forget all together. They could be triggered by a conflict, something significant happening in your life, or emotions. The meaning of dreams is not always clear, but could give a sneak peak into your subconscious about something that’s potentially going on in your life, notably more so with recurring dreams.

Dreams can be a powerful influencer over our daily lives and a fascinating subject to study.  The impact and meaning of dreams have even been analyzed for centuries by ancient civilizations.  The Romans would translate their dreams as messages from the gods, and would debate dream subjects in the senate.  The Greeks would purify themselves before sleeping in the temples to receive untainted messages from the gods.  But the Assyrians would interpret their dreams as signs, whether a forewarning of things about to go wrong or as advice to follow.

Considering the bizarre situations that tend to happen in our subconscious state, we probably shouldn’t follow advice from our dreams too literally.  However, maybe there is something in interpreting our dreams as a sign of a physical illness to come.

Here are the 3 most common recurring dreams and there meanings.

  1. Being Chased. If you find yourself under hot pursuit it most likely means you are avoiding something in your waking life. Could be a person, situation, or obligation.
  2. Teeth Falling Out. Oddly enough this has nothing to do with oral hygiene. The premise behind loosing your K9s is that maybe you’ve been saying some things you shouldn’t have, in the form of gossip or otherwise.
  3. Falling. Falling dreams are probably the most common and most frightening. When you fall it means there has been a loss of control or a shift in your life.

No matter what the frequency, recurring dreams can contain valuable information about yourself. Once you uncover what your dreams may be trying to tell you they may change or disappear all together.

Treatment Options     

Keeping a sleep diary.

Finding a stable balance can be a delicate state to achieve and takes trust and understanding of one’s own intuition.  To help differentiate between prodromal and non-prodromal dreams, Dream Studies Portal suggests keeping a dream journal, noticing symbols and paying attention to recurring nightmares.

However, self-diagnosis can be a risky task to handle, as interpretations can be misleading and serious conditions ignored, psychological or physical.  While your dreams may be a result of an illness, it is still only a prediction.  If you suspect your dreams may be psychologically related, then be sure to schedule a session with a family psychiatrist.  But only a trained professional can tell you if you’re showing any early signs of an illness, and no one can give better insight into your health than you doctor.

If you suspect you may be suffering from an on-coming illness (or even just want to make sure you’re not), then be sure to visit your primary physician or specialist – especially if you’re suffering from any signs of a sleep disorder.  Luckily, our specialists are well trained in identifying and treating any degree of sleep apnea, including Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  You can take our quiz if you’re not sure whether you suffer from any signs.  If you are showing signs and you live in the Alaska area, be sure to call for a quick 10-minute consultation with our experts and schedule a sleep study today.

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